Understanding Working Conditions of Domestic Workers in California
California Domestic Workers Coalition (CDWC) is a statewide alliance of community-based organizations, domestic employers, worker centers, labor unions, faith groups, students, and policy advocates.
CDWC sought to build a strategy for advocacy and outreach by understand working conditions of domestic workers in geographic context. CDWC had amassed a large amount of relevant data and sought to interpret, compile, and make sense of it. Together with JuHyun Sakota Consulting, PHS came alongside CDWC to untangle complex relationships among various datasets to paint a clear picture of labor violations, health and safety risks, and working conditions for domestic workers in California.
PHS and partner JuHyun Sakota Consulting re-coded and interpreted narrative from multilingual domestic worker survey datasets and cleaned administrative datasets related to labor violations throughout the state. The team also helped CDWC formulate research questions. JuHyun Sakota Consulting also designed online/offline map layouts and guided GIS interns to produce interactive data dashboards using ArcGIS.
The resulting tool was used by CDWC and its partner organizations to strategize their advocacy and outreach to ensure that domestic workers know their rights.
Partner JuHyun Sakota Consulting designed map layouts of the CDWC survey data in ArcGIS.