Primary Care and Mental Health Integration Research

Although there is evidence that mental health services can be delivered in primary care practices with good outcomes, few changes in service delivery have been seen over the past decade. Practices face a number of barriers, making interventions that address change at multiple levels a promising solution. PHS led research and evaluation that demonstrated how interventions to support relationship-building and organizational culture are essential to primary care and mental health integration. This implementation research was done in collaboration with colleagues at John’s Hopkins University, Nationwide Children Hospital, and American Academy of Pediatrics. It was part of Dr. King’s doctoral research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with her advisor, pediatrician and child psychiatrist Dr. Larry Wissow.

Cover page of Health Care Management Review article

King, M.A., Baum, R.A., and Wissow, L.S. (July-September 2018). The Role of Organizational Context in the Implementation of a Statewide Initiative to Integrate Mental Health Services into Pediatric Primary Care. Health Care Management Review 43(3): 206-217. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000169

Cover page of Academic Pediatrics article

Brown, J.D., King, M.A., and Wissow, L.S.  (September-October 2017). The central role of relationships to trauma-informed integrated care for children and youth. Academic Pediatrics 17(7S), Supplement on Child Well-Being and Adverse Childhood Experiences in the US, S94-S101. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2017.01.013

Cover page of Psychiatric Services article

Baum, R.A., King, M.A., and Wissow, L.S. (December 2018, Published Online Ahead of Print). Ohio Building Mental Wellness: Outcomes of a Statewide Learning Collaborative to Implement Mental Health Services in Pediatric Primary Care. Psychiatric Services. doi: 10.1176/

Baum, R.A., Manda, D., Brown, C.M., Anzeljc, S.A., King, M.A., and Duby, J. (October 2018). A Learning Collaborative Approach to Improve Mental Health Service Delivery in Pediatric Primary Care. Pediatric Quality and Safety 6(3): 1-8. doi: 10.1097/pq9.0000000000000119